A paperless office: illusion or reality?

Does this happen to you? You can’t see something well on your computer screen and have the urge to use your fingers to zoom in on it, as you would with your I-Pad or smartphone?  Or to “swipe” the screen?  It doesn’t work because the device doesn’t have that technology, but that doesn’t occur to you…

We take it for granted, the amazing technology that we all have at our fingertips, but who could have imagined 20 years ago that the world would be like this in 2016…? It is possible that you have also never heard of the World Paper-Free Day , an initiative of the international organization AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management).  On November 6th they annually draw attention to unnecessary paper use, privately as well as professionally. 

Help the environment

If your organization still prints and copies a great deal then the reduction of paper use may still seem like a pipedream…And yet there are many advantages to achieve if you, as an organization, use less paper.  The benefits for the environment are enormous:  less paper production means fewer trees need to be felled and this lowers CO2 emissions from paper factories. In addition, by printing less, there are also immense savings on ink and toner. That eliminates a great deal of chemical waste. 

45 sheets of paper per person per day

Reduction in paper is not only better from an environmental point of view. AIIM research indicates that by digitalizing company information, clients are more quickly helped and it enhances efficient cooperation within the organization. From this study it also is evident that team members work more quickly if they have better access to shared information and that the productivity increases within organizations through using digital information.  Be honest: don’t the piles of paper on the desk or in the cabinet from you or your colleagues provide a disorderly feeling?   

Save our trees

Paperwork that is produced for meetings is a prime area where you can save reams and reams of paper. Copying of agendas, meeting materials and minutes are redundant if you hold digital meetings.  In one of our next blogs we will discuss savings on paper in other areas. We at iBabs, as a market leader in the area of paperless meeting in the Netherlands, support World Paper-free Day.  After all, we help organizations to reduce piles of paper to the thickness of a tablet every day! 

Do you want to know how much paper your organization can save?  It often helps if you can quantify the amount your contribution would yield-- immediately. That’s why we made the tree-saving test. With this you can quickly calculate how many trees an organization can save by reducing paper usage.

Do you feel inspired by the initiative of World Paper-free Day to use less paper ? On the AIIM site you can download buttons that you can use for your email-signature.  For every download, the AIIM donates funds to One Laptop per Child, a non-profit organization that gives laptops to children in developing countries. That way you support two fabulous initiatives at once! Want to find out if you can have a paperless office?

Request a free 30 days demo now!

More information

3 November 2015
iBabs Meeting Assessment
iBabs is a leader in paperless meetings and enables you to reduce these piles of documents to the thickness of your tablet. Thousands of organizations have been using this system for more than 15 years.

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